<<  < October-2022 >  >>
  • 15 Oct,22

    CME cum Faculty development Program

    The Department of Anatomy has organised a CME cum Faculty development Program on 15-10-2022

  • 15 Oct,22

    Global Hand Washing Day 2022

    Global Handwashing Day was celebrated under the 2022 theme “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene” by Department of Microbiology on October 15th 2022

  • 15 Oct,22

    World Anesthesia Day 2022

    Department of Anesthesia, RRMCH in observance of ‘World Anesthesia Day’ conducted a Flash Mob on CPR, COLS Awareness for Lay Public at the Hospital Lobby on 15th Oct 2022.

  • 15 Oct,22

    Best achiever of the year 2022- Dr Amit Jain

    Hearty congratulations to Dr. Amit Jain, Professor, Department of surgery, RRMCH for receiving the ”BEST ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR 2022” at International Kalam’s Golden Award held in Chennai on 15th October 2022