<<  < February-2016 >  >>
  • 13 Feb,16

    iHeart scan Workshop-2016

    iHeartscan workshop was conducted on 13th and 14th of Feb 2016 at RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital Bangalore by the Department of Anaesthesiology

  • 09 Feb,16

    Winner of Medical Trivia

    RRMCH is proud to announce that Ms. Kavya Chikkanna a 6th term, 3rd year MBBS students of RRMCH has answered maximum questions asked in the Medical Trivia on Rajarajeswari Medical College Website and has been declared as a winner with a gift prize. She received the gift from our college Dean Dr. H. V. Shetty.
  • 05 Feb,16

    Rare Diagnosis for TIA

    All faculties, PG’s & UG’s are requested to attend clinical meeting.

  • 04 Feb,16

    Dr. Prema R Participated in IAP PEDICON & APCP 2016

    Dr Prema R Prof & Addl HOD Dept of Pediatrics RMCH, Was participatedat53rd annual Conference of IAP – Indian academy of Pediatrics, PEDICON 2016 & 15th Asia Pacific Congress of Pediatrics (APCP) held at Hyderabad

  • 02 Feb,16

    Dr.Umashankar Nagaraju awarded Dr L N Sinha Memorial Award 2015-16

    DR.Umashankar Nagaraju Prof, Department of Dermatology has been awarded DR L N Sinha Memorial Award 2015-16

  • 02 Feb,16

    Dhofar University – Sultanate of Oman

    Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital was visited by the delegates of Dhofar University – sultanate of Oman on 2nd February 2016 for a mutual collaboration.