<<  < September-2020 >  >>
  • 27 Sep,20

    Congratulates Dr. Prakash R

    Dr Prakash R, Professor of Microbiology, RRMCH has won Quiz Contest conducted in “International Peer Review Workshop 2020“ on 27-09-2020

  • 27 Sep,20

    Congratulations Dr. Vamseedhar Annam

    Dr. Vamseedhar Annam, Dept of Pathology, RRMCH has been awarded with BEST RESEARCHER AWARD’ by 10th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, Hyderabad, India, 27.09.2020

  • 26 Sep,20

    Dr. Prakash R – Best Researcher Award

    Dr. Prakash R, Professor of Microbiology, RRMCH has received “Best Researcher Award” at 10th International Scientist Awardson Engineering on 26/09/2020 at Hyderabad

  • 06 Sep,20

    Dr. Prakash R – Award for Excellence in Research

    Dr. Prakash R, Professor of Microbiology, RRMCH has received “Award for Excellence in Research”at 8th Academic Achievement Awards-20 conducted by EET CRS on 06/09/2020 at Mumbai