<<  < August-2024 >  >>
  • 18 Aug,24

    EKATTVA 2024

    On the occasion of celebrating our beloved Chairman’s Birthday “EKATTVA 2024” A Grand Cultural Extravaganza has unfolded in a majestic style at RRMCH Lobby. A Quick glance of the event . . .
  • 15 Aug,24

    Independence Day Celebration

    The flag of India is hoisted at the Red Fort in Delhi; hoisted flags are a common sight on Independence Day.
  • 12 Aug,24

    Anti-ragging Awareness Mahotsav

    Ragging or hazing is no gentle rite of passage but a ritualised form of torture that can cause severe psychological and physical injury.
  • 09 Aug,24

    E-Quiz competition

    It is proud to share with all that our UG and PG students have added a quality to our institution by availing prizes in a E-Quiz competition
  • 09 Aug,24

    RRMCH Joins Peaceful Protest to Demand Justice for Dr. Moumita

    The faculty, doctors, and students of RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital (RRMCH) gathered at the campus…
  • 09 Aug,24

    E-Quiz competition

    It is proud to share with all that our UG and PG students have added a quality to our institution by availing prizes in a E-Quiz competition
  • 08 Aug,24

    Pre-conference workshop ISACON Karnataka

    Pre conference workshop on Inhaled Anaesthesia Delivery Systems in association with ISACON KARNATAKA
  • 08 Aug,24

    Day 7 activity of World breastfeeding week

    Day 7 activity on the occasion of World breastfeeding week.