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  • 24 Jun,22

    Malaria Prevention Campaign

    An awareness campaign on Prevention of Malaria was organized by Department of Community Medicine in Byalalu Government School.

  • 23 Jun,22

    United Nations Public Service Day

    Celebrated on 23 June each year, recognizes the value and virtue of public service to the community

  • 23 Jun,22

    International Olympic Day 2022

    The International Olympic Day is a day dedicated to sports and fitness every year on June 23

  • 21 Jun,22

    World Music Day 2022

    World Music Day is celebrated on June 21 every year to honor the musicians and singers for the gift of music

  • 21 Jun,22

    International Yoga Day 2022

    International Yoga Day celebrates the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world stage.

  • 20 Jun,22

    World Refugee Day

    Raise awareness of the plight of refugees around the world and of the efforts to protect their human rights.

  • 15 Jun,22

    World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

    Raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect

  • 14 Jun,22

    World Blood Donor Day 2022

    The aim is to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products

  • 14 Jun,22

    Blood Donation Camp 2022

    RRMCH has organized a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ at the Super Specialty Block, 1st floor, RRMCH on 14th June, 2022

  • 12 Jun,22

    World Day Against Child Labour

    World Day Against Child Labour is to focus world attention on the urgent need to eradicate child labour.