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Freshers Day – 10th March 2021

Freshers Day Fresher’s day was organized on 10.3.2021 for MBBS Phase -I 2020-2021 batch students.
Program was inaugurated by Dean, Dr. Sathyamurthy B, Medical Superintendent Dr. Praveen Kumar.
Members present in Vice Principal Dr. Basavaraj Bhandare (Acadamic), Vice Principal Dr. Pravin G U (Administration) & Chief Guest Dr Bhalachandra. H. Keri.
After a invocation song of Lord Ganesha by 2nd MBBS student Ms. Asishwarya. Dr. Pravin G U welcomed the Gathering. Dr Sathyamurthy (Dean) addressed the 1st MBBS students with regards to their regularity in attending all the classes and also mentioned that RRMCH encourages for extra curricular activities.
Chief Guest Dr. Bhalachandra H. Keri., with his good sense of humour encouraged all the students to have positive attitude in life . Students were happy after listening to the examples of his life experience from Chief Guest. 2nd years students were given chance to share their experience & show case their talent.
Dr. Shruthi B N Professor & HOD Anatomy delivered the vote of thanks.