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  • Jun'15

International Yoga day 2015

International Day of Yoga at Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital

Yoga finds its origin from the sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ meaning to unite or join and is considered as an holistic approach to health and wellness. RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital, observed International Day Yoga on 20th June Saturday with lot of enthusiasm and Interest.The session was scheduled at 12.15 PM at the college auditorium. Renowned speakers and Yoga teachers Mr. Udhav and Mrs. Prameela from the Art Of Living Center. The HODs, faculties, students and staffs came in large numbers to participate with Dr. Naveen, Principal, Professor, the Department of Surgery welcoming every one , highlighted the importance of practicing Yoga on a daily basis and stressed the need to incorporate it in our routine. Dr. Pravin, Prof. and HOD, of Radio Diagnosis enlightened the audience on the significance of the Day. The speakers then started the demonstration of simple Yoga asanas. The asanas were followed by Pranayama excercises. The session was followed by healthy snacks provided to all the participants.

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