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Recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC) & Govt. of India and constituent college of Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute

Student Exchange program at RRMCH

Recent Milestones

Student Exchange program at RRMCH

RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital, which is today considered as the premier medical educational institution in the country, has always believed in providing immense learning opportunities to its students and faculty and also empowering them with the updated trends in the medical sciences.

In continuation of his endeavour, RRMCH has a tie with various Foreign Medical Institutions of immense standing like Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons – UK, Mayo Clinic – US, Melbourne University – Australia, RAK University- United Arab Emirates, Hammer Smith College, UK just to name a few. The intentions behind these MOUs are to provide latest medical knowledge to both our faculties and the students which will enhance their skills.

Recently 5 students from RRMCH 2 Post graduate Students and 3 Interns went to Hammer Smith College and Chelsean West Minister both in UK as observers. This is a part of the Student Exchange Program. The duration of the Observership was for 6 weeks. The students were allowed to observe and learn the procedures and the processes followed ij various departments like Nephrology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Transplant Surgery, Pediatrics.

The students not only met Medical Professionals of International repute like Dr. Nadi Hakim, Dr. Jeremy Levy, Dr. Jose Kotinho etc but also got to interact with them, exchanging the ideas. The students were treated to watch these doctors perform various treatments, surgeries thus enabling them to comprehend various new techniques.
